It can be a lonely virtual world. Feedback is wonderful.
I sent out my monthly newsletter this afternoon and within an hour, I heard from three different recipients (in unrelated far-flung corners of my world) thanking me for sharing my thoughts and ideas. When you mostly sit by yourself on your sunporch working (sure, I talk on the phone or online all the time, but its not really the same) it is so gratifying to know that your ideas and words are actually touching people in a positive way. When I first started blogging, I had this misguided conception that I would start really building up an online conversation and have largely found that few people actually comment on blogs. But I do appreciate every one who takes the time to comment (especially if its thoughtful and heartfelt) on the blog, an article or my newsletter. Did you miss the newsletter? Its right here for you to read—this month about Marketing Ideas That Get An A—ideas I’ve borrowed from my campus visits with my college-bound daughter.