From: Deborah Gallant, Bold Business Works
Subject: Standing Still? That's not very productive! BBW June Newsletter
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Do you keep raising the bar for yourself?

Bold Business Works Monthly Newsletter
June  2012   
Welcome to my new newsletter subscribers...and welcome back for my old friends.

Deborah Gallant
Bold Business Works
What are you waiting for?

It is really easy to get stuck in a holding pattern with your business---not growing (hopefully not shrinking.) 

If you want to improve, you've got to take conscious steps to ramp it up.  Set goals, create programs to help you achieve those goals, monitor and measure your performance.  Do SOMETHING. 

You can't score if you're never up at bat.

I just finished a huge promotion that was a big stretch for me.  Many of you joined me for TopTenMarketing, which allowed me to reach out to hundreds of new people with valuable, targeted learning.

toptenCoordinating nine experts, ten presentations, ten handouts, thousands of inbound and outbound emails, blog posts, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter posts was a big job.  (thank you to my virtual assistant Lori Isachsen for making it go so smoothly!) 

(If you missed it, it is now for sale at

It would have been so much easier to just say "I'm not ready for that."  Well when would I have been ready?  Sure, putting it together was risky.  What if no one came?  What if no one cared?  And yes, there were a few technical glitches along the way.   Ultimately, I achieved my marketing goals, including developing terrific relationships with my amazing joint venture partners. 

What's keeping you from getting up to bat?  Are you clear on what you need to do?  Do you have clear cut goals to move towards?  How will you track your success?  Not sure how to get started?  Set up a complimentary coaching exploration call with me! 

How Does Your Marketing Stack Up?


I've partnered with my buddy Tea Silvestre, the Word Chef and several other curious folks to find out what solo professionals like you are doing (in terms of online marketing) and how well it's working for you.


We'd like to create some real benchmarks and share that information with those who're affected by the challenges of marketing a micro business -- namely, YOU.


The survey shouldn't take more than 5 minutes (probably less). In return, you'll receive a report (in mid-July) that summarizes the key findings of the survey, and we'll enter you in a raffle with a chance to win one of the following several great prizes including a $100 Amazon gift card.


Click here  and you'll be good to go.


And please rest easy that your individual responses are completely confidential, and will only be used in aggregate with those of other survey respondents. No names will be associated with your answers or given to any other company.


If your organization is looking for a dynamic speaker, check out my speaker one-sheet with details on all my talks. 


I look forward to talking with you!




Deborah Gallant



Bold Business Works

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Upcoming Events

Bold Business Works' monthly FREE webinar this month features Glenn Garnes, The Village Connector.

How much time and money do you waste chasing new prospects instead of following up with the loyal, connected folks you already know?

Glenn, one of my TopTen experts, shows you the secrets of great followup in this powerful one hour webinar.

12noon ET


Sneak Peek
Have you checked out Deborah's newest venture:

Launching this summer, BizSuccessTracker is the simple web-based tool that finally lets you keep track of how your business is doing.

BizSuccessTracker Promo Video
BizSuccessTracker Promo Video

Watch this video to learn more
or visit our website at

Do you know an award-winning business woman in Baltimore?

Nominations are open!

My colleague, Monyka Berrocosa of MyCity4Her will be presenting the 2012 Spirited Women Awards on August 15th at the Four Seasons.  Who do you know who deserves to be nominated?

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Bold Business Works | 106 Enfield Road | Baltimore | MD | 21212