The Speed of Change
I have just completed a top-to-bottom rewrite of Shine Online, my e-book that is a guide to everything a small business owner or practice provider needs to know about marketing their business on the Internet…and I can’t believe how much updating it needed! I went back and checked every single link and reference from the last update in 2012 and even in that short time, there has been a sea change.
I added new sections on mobile, video and beefed up the section on social media. It is funny to look back and see what I wrote some time ago about things like Google Checkout. Which is now out of business. If Google can’t make it work, they just shut it down (which is one of my objections to using some of their products…that and there is no such thing as customer service). Video is ubiquitous and now that Google owns YouTube, it is more important than ever to get your site found. Search marketing has gotten more and more complex—in fact two of the experts I know in the field decided to go into other businesses because keeping up with the technology changes got to be too hard.
If you are just getting started with your business (or just getting online with it), you won’t find a better overall resource than Shine Online. And if you buy it and then decide to purchase a WordPress website from me, I will credit you with your purchase price. The $24.95 is well worth it, even if it just saves you from making other silly decisions about your web marketing! Buy now.