Those NAPO folks sure are organized! (lol)
I am delighted that I was chosen to present a workshop at the National Association of Professional Organizers national conference in 2012 (being conveniently held here in my new hometown of Baltimore!). I submitted several proposals and the one they picked is “Stop Selling Your Time for Money: Business Beyond the Billable Hour.” I have about a million ideas for what I want to say and it’s all swirling around in my head about how to put it all together to create a blockbuster workshop that will ignite the attendees to get creative about new ways to make revenue. But these organizers are so….ORGANIZED! They want a ton of information, including a video to promote it right now (as in six months before the event!). Don’t they know I do my best work at the last minute? Oh well. I am forcing myself to pretend the presentation is next week and meet their deadlines. (and maybe I’ll just drop some last minute surprises in after the deadline). Look forward to seeing many of my organizer friends and colleagues in Baltimore on March 23d!